Image Recruitment

Taxonomic Recruiting

The Top 25 Subjects Needing Images

Overall - Insects - Diseases - Plants - Wildlife - Nematodes

Subject Name Scientific Name Current Images
oak wilt Bretziella fagacearum 212
Chinese mystery snail Cipangopaludina chinensis 7
African giant snail Lissachatina fulica 38
orange hawkweed Pilosella aurantiaca 68
butternut canker Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum 32
southern blight Athelia rolfsii 398
unlisted plant 0
unknown plant 0
kingdevil hawkweed Hieracium piloselloides 0
water soldier Stratiotes aloides 1
mouse-eared hawkweed Pilosella officinarum 9
rusty crayfish Faxonius rusticus 12
box tree moth Cydalima perspectalis 12
unknown animal 0
Iberian starthistle Centaurea iberica 0
eggleaf spurge Euphorbia oblongata 0
Herzog salvinia Salvinia herzogii 0
hybrid cattail Typha x glauca 2
beech bark disease Neonectria faginata 5
mission grass Cenchrus polystachios 11
Southern corn leaf blight and stalk rot Bipolaris maydis 38
beech bark disease Neonectria coccinea 60
Fusarium graminearum 72
bacterial spot Xanthomonas vesicatoria 95
unlisted animal 0

Have a list you want added?      

Project List Recruiting

Title Description
Alaska Biocontrol
Alaska Invasives App
Aquatic Weeds of Georgia
Biocontrol Host Host plants for biocontrol agents
Biological Control Agents
California Invasive Plant Inventory from California Invasive Plant Council The California Invasive Plant Inventory categorizes non-native invasive plants that threaten the state's wildlands. Categorization is based on an assessment of the ecological impacts of each plant. The Inventory represents the best available knowledge of invasive plant experts in the state. However, it has no regulatory authority, and should be used with full understanding of the limitations described below. California is home to 4,200 native plant species, and is recognized internationally as a "biodiversity hotspot." Approximately 1,800 non-native plants also grow in the wild in the state. A small number of these, approximately 200, are the ones that this Inventory considers invasive. Improved understanding of their impacts will help those working to protect California's treasured biodiversity.
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey performs annual surveys for a wide variety of pests that may affect agriculture in the United States. By providing images to illustrate these pests and diseases, we seek to enable state and federal partners to have a readily available source of images to be used in educational and public relation materials.
Cucurbit App Section This Great Lakes Vegetable Working Group project seeks to create a picture rich pest management guide to common pests that attack cucurbit crops (watermelon, squash, pumpkin, cucumber, and zucchini) along with brief pest management notes and recommendations. No chemical recommendations are given in this project.
EDDMaps Alberta
EDDMapS Canada
EDDMapS Florida
EDDMapS Florida App
EDDMapS Indiana
EDDMapS Ontario
EDDMapS Representative Photos Reportable species list for the EDDMapS website. Representative pictures of plants and animals are needed to display on the EDDMapS Reporting Page and in an iPhone app that is in development.
EDDMapS West
Effect of shade in summer Tomato in sylhet region Effect of shade in summer Tomato in sylhet region.
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
First Detector
First Detector Image Sets for website
Florida EDDMapS Animals
Forest Diseases
Forest of Exceptional Conservation Value The GA Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program is seeking contributions to collect photographic documentation of certain forest types in the state. Please email to obtain a listing of photo needs.
Forest of Exceptional Conservation Value The GA Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program is seeking contributions to collect photographic documentation of certain forest types in the state. Please email to obtain a listing of photo needs.
Georgia Pollinators
Great Lakes Early Detection Network GLEDN Smartphone reporting app species
Healthy Trees Healthy Cities
iBiocontrol App
iMapInvasives Project iMapInvasives is an online, GIS-based, all-taxa mapping tool that aggregates and displays invasive species location data from multiple sources. It provides versatile mapping resources for monitoring and management projects, from a local to state-wide level. Data is received from partners across the state or province through batch uploads and quality-controlled online submissions.
Important Lepidoptera Many different butterflies and moths can cause damage to economically important commodities. Here is a short listing of Lepidoptera that we are currently looking for images of.
Inhabit Species
Invasive Plant of the Month Project for Indiana Invasive Species Council Blog, SICIM and Invasive Plant Advisory Committee Facebook and Instagram pages
Invasive Smartphone Reporting Apps
Invasive Species Most Unwanted Certain invasive species currently have no images available in our database despite the potential impact that they may have in the United States. If you have images of any of these species, please post them so that we can better illustrate these threats.
IPANE Invasive Plant Atlas of New England
IPM Data
IR4 Pollinators Version 2
Legume PIPE The Legume ipmPIPE Network will focus on priority diseases and insect pests, with general support extended to disease and pest diagnostics and IPM strategies for non-soybean pulse crops including common bean, cool-season legumes and warm-season legumes. The goal is to develop, improve and enhance diagnostic tools and resources for priority fungal, bacterial, viral and nematode pathogens of pulses.
Minnesota Aquatic Trackers
NAISMA Weed-Free
Native Wetland Plants of the Southeastern United States
New Jersey Invasive Species Strike Team
Ohio State Insect and Disease
Pacific Northwest Early Detection Network
Pest Risk Assessment of Root Tuber and Banana Crops
Pests In and Around Buildings Pest identification is an integral part of any IPM program. This guide was originally designed in booklet format by the Southern School IPM work group.
Pests not Known to Occur in North America Various sources have identified a number of organisms that may be problematic if they were to be introduced into North America. This list seeks to illustrate those organisms to provide identifiers with the images they need to verify an identification and create resources for educatiing others if the pest were to be introduced.
Sclerotium rolfsii
ScoutPro for Corn The ScoutPro app for your smartphone, iPad or other tablet devices will allow you to identify all weeds, insects and diseases in your fields, while additionally creating crop scouting reports enabling you to make better management decisions. This project is recruiting images of corn pests.
ScoutPro for Soybean The ScoutPro app for your smartphone, iPad or other tablet devices will allow you to identify all weeds, insects and diseases in your fields, while additionally creating crop scouting reports enabling you to make better management decisions. This project is recruiting images of soybean pests
Southeast Early Detection Network
Southern Plant Diagnostic Network The Southern Plant Diagnostic Network created a list of organisms that are either known to be a problem on crops in the south or could be a problem if they were introduced. Images supporting this list are used by diagnosticians, extension agents, crop consultants and other people involved in scouting and managing pest and disease problems.
Southern Weed Science Society Most Common and Most Troublesom Weeds List 2014 List of most common and troublesome weeds in the Southern US in 2014 and published in the Proceedings of the SWSS Annual meeting in 2015
Soybean Export Weed Seed Screening
Spider Mites
Sweet corn pest identification and management This Great Lakes Vegetable Working Group project seeks to create a picture rich pest management guide to common pests that attack sweet corn along with brief pest management notes and recommendations. No chemical recommendations are given in this project.
Test Project Project Creation test
Texas Exotics Training Many organizations in Texas are trying to keep new exotic species from coming in to the state and the country. This recruiting project focuses on a few of the subjects that people should be on the lookout for.
Tick Identification and management
US Army Corps of Engineers Invasive Species
Utah Biocontrol Basic
Washington Invasives App
Weed ID Guide
Weeds of the South Species contained within the Weeds of the South book
WSSA WeedList The Weed Science Society of America has partnered with the Bugwood Image Database in the hopes of illustrating every weed on the WSSA Weed List. Althought this is currently an unfunded project, we are pursuing grant opportunities along these lines and are seeking cooperation from additional partners.