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Signs and symptoms of head smut (<em>Sphacelotheca reiliana</em>) in a corn tassel.

R.L. Croissant,

Signs and symptoms of head smut (Sphacelotheca reiliana) in a corn tassel.

Corn ear infected with head smut: late stage of infection when all that remains of the ear is a dry mass of spores surrounded by fibrous strands of tissues.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ,

Corn ear infected with head smut: late stage of infection when all that remains of the ear is a dry mass of spores surrounded by fibrous strands of tissues.

Corn tassel infected with head smut exhibited 'wire-brush' symptom.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ,

Corn tassel infected with head smut exhibited 'wire-brush' symptom.

Systemic infection of a corn plant with head smut. All ears on the plant are infected.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ,

Systemic infection of a corn plant with head smut. All ears on the plant are infected.

Signs and symptoms of head smut (<em>Sphacelotheca reiliana</em>) in a corn tassel.

R.L. Croissant,

Signs and symptoms of head smut (Sphacelotheca reiliana) in a corn tassel.

A field of cereal rye infected with the head smut fungus.

H.J. Larsen,

A field of cereal rye infected with the head smut fungus.

Comparison of two corn tassel infected with common smut (center), <em>Ustilago maydis</em>, and head smut (right), <em>Sphacelotheca reiliana</em>.

William M. Brown Jr.,

Comparison of two corn tassel infected with common smut (center), Ustilago maydis, and head smut (right), Sphacelotheca reiliana.

Signs and symptoms of head smut (<em>Sphacelotheca reiliana</em>) on an ear of field corn.

California Department of Food and Agriculture , CDFA,

Signs and symptoms of head smut (Sphacelotheca reiliana) on an ear of field corn.